I'm pretty dang excited!! I've been wanting to go to Seattle for a few years now, so I'm stoked that work will be taking me there for a week. As in this next week.
I leave a day before Levi gets home from his 3 week trip.
Yeah, I'm bummed because I've missed him T-E-R-R-I-B-L-Y! It's bittersweet, but I'm still stoked for this cool experience, of being in Seattle. I'll be helping out some friends with their film archival conference. Since it's a conference, it's full of people who LOVE this stuff. I remember meeting the lead film archivist from UCLA, who apparently is really big in this field.... yeah, I had to match his enthusiasm while he went on and on and on about archiving.
Other than that, it's a very sweet set up.... I get paid, a free plane ticket, my own room & board and get to do a lil sight seeing of Seattle. I'm a lil bummed that my sister won't be going this year, as she did two years ago to Philadelphia. I'll also be missing my stake Christmas concert that I've been rehearsing with for the past 2 months. I hope they do well!
I can't wait to see/do: Pike Place Market, The Great Wheel (I'm hoping to ride this, since it'll be my first time on a ferris wheel.), Chihuly Glass Museum, go to Starbucks [which I'm sure I'll be doing a lot of drink runs here] and eat an apple.
However, I. CANNOT. WAIT. to fly home! My sweetheart will be picking me up from the airport and I couldn't be more pleased!! I've missed him so much and to be honest, I've always wanted someone special to pick me up at the airport. There's just something more....special about it! I can't wait to wrap my arms around him and just hold him tight. I've never been this patient before in my life--3 weeks turned into 4 weeks.... and sadly, I'll be missing our 2 month anniversary. I'm grateful that he's patient, because it kinda rubs off on me.
Well, I gotta go finish packing.... Hello Seattle! Can't wait to taste your apples!