Thursday, June 11, 2009

"Taking one for the team"

Tomorrow I've got to clean out my desk at work. I'm not looking forward to it at all. I'm bummed. I'm angry about this change. I can see the blessing in changing departments [more experience] but I hate it. I truly do. I didn't want this change at all. I'm not getting any sort of pay raise or incentive for "taking one for the team". And that's another thing....I'm seriously tired of the saying, "Taking one for the team". Because honestly, it should really be "Taking one in the A--", cause that's what it really is. Let's just be real here.
This new girl at work doesn't understand her job in the Billing dept. and is now taking over/"training" in my Dispatch position. She wasn't able to perform her job tasks, so they thought they'd give her something a "little less complicated". I keep hearing over and over, "If she doesn't get it, then she's out!" Ok, so let's say she does get it but I don't (over in Billing). What the heck will happen to me? Am I gone?? I just don't get it. I feel like I'm being kicked out from my job that I love just because someone doesn't know how to spell and doesn't understand what to do. I was told that she's had customer service experience working with the local cable company. Ok that's nice, but I've got a year experience with this company, I know the clients and the routine of my department. I truly feel like I'm the one getting the short end of the stick. But hey, it's okay, right? Cause I'm "taking one for the team".
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