Monday, June 29, 2009


I use to pride myself on making and keeping friends. But I've come to terms that sometimes it's okay to let go of certain friends. Sometimes you don't have a reason or purpose to be friends anymore, no common ground. It happens in relationships, why can't it also happen in a friendship? People change and some move on. I think it's okay to bow out of a friendship if there's nothing there anymore, especially if you've put effort into trying to be friends.
Maybe I sound like a flake? Or that I'm being too brutally honest. I doubt I'm the first person to have ever felt this way. I dislike being fake. I loathe exchanging fake pleasantries and having to seem like I care--when in reality I truly don't.
A few of you may wonder if this is about you, I reassure you that it's not. But I think when a couple breaks up it's OVER. If the relationship didn't work out, why try for a friendship? So to Jacob this is the last thing I have to say to you:

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