Sunday, June 28, 2009

You have no idea....

I CANNOT wait til the 4th of July!!! It is seriously my favorite holiday! (yes, even more than Christmas!). I love it! I love everything about it, especially for it's historical meaning. We're so blessed to live in a great country. Every year, I HAVE to hear "America the Beautiful" sung by Ray Charles--that completes my 4th of July.

The 4th of July, to me, means hanging out with my family and close loved ones at the beach ALL day [which beach? I'm not sure this year], BBQ'in DELICIOUS food, surfing/bodyboarding, playing games, singing along to the ukelele, watching fireworks and my personal favorite--getting a tan!'s about spending quality time with one another.

Aside from the religious meaning of Christmas, the reasons why I think 4th of July is WAAAAAY better than Christmas are:

1. No stress about gift giving!!

2. You can't go broke. If you do, I'm not too sure HOW you could.

3. It's a warm summer day, spent outside and you end up with a tan.

4. Still has fantastic food--in which the men get to prepare most of it, unlike Christmas when a woman's slaving away in the kitchen.


I can't wait!! Plus it's a 3 day weekend!! HELLO--AWESOME all around!! I can't wait to see out of town family too!! AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! I hope this week flies by!!

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