Tender Mercy #3: Last night in my email to my missionary nephew, I told him that once he gets back from his mission he will think about his mission every day of his life. I remember hearing those same words and thinking that was totally insane! "Everyday? Really? Nah, I'll be too busy living life!". Oh how I was so wrong! That couldn't have been any more real or true had it hit me in the face! Every day something comes up in my day which will remind me of my mission. I love those little moments of nostalgia.
Tonight the sister missionaries from my ward came over. It was a very pleasant visit! I really enjoyed getting to know them and getting to talk about missions.I'm glad they came over, they brought a wonderful warm spirit to our home. I'm so glad I served a mission. I'm grateful I served in the New Jersey Cherry Hill LDS Mission.

I love ALL of the memories I came home with. I miss everyone I met there. The sister missionaries mentioned how they were caught in the rain the other day and had the biggest smiles on their faces as they walked home. I remember that happening to me once, that was such a FUN experience! I would do just about anything to be walking in that same rainstorm with 'Sister C', without any umbrellas while trying to keep our Book of Mormons dry. I loved it!

I thought about all my old companions tonight and how I learned something from all of them. Some of them I enjoyed more than others, but I know there was a reason I was with all of them. I'm grateful to be close friends with some of them today. I wouldn't change ANYTHING about my mission. I am eternally grateful I had the opportunity to serve my Heavenly Father and the people of New Jersey. As trite as it sounds, I would do it again in a heartbeat! Sign me up!