*After 3 full days off, I don't want to go to work tomorrow...even if I do get to see Atticus. I feel like I've been on vacation. Speaking of which, I need a vacation. And I need to go visit my uncle who hasn't been doing so well. Plus I need some Pie. Hmm...Utah?
*I had the GREATEST Sunday nap today! Oh I LOVED it so!
*I got to see some great friends today. I seriously love the Cates family! And it was nice to see their brother in law Stanton (and the side of Rubi's face). I feel like my real life/blogging friends really do exist off of blogspot. It was nice.
*Last night's hangout/date/'whatever the heck it's called' with Morgan was fun. I enjoyed his company and the conversation was very pleasant. We had a lot to talk about and thankfully the conversation never died. We ended up watching "Sherlock Holmes" which was PERFECTLY fine with me, I wasn't too excited to watch "Avatar", yet. We'll see. Anywhoo....Morgan is truly an exceptional gentleman. Seriously, 'Chivalry' is his middle name, I forgot how WONDERFUL that is. However...it was a lil awkward when his Mom came up to me in church today. She greeted me with the BIGGEST hug and kiss EVER (I think it was bigger than when my Mom greeted me at the airport after my mission). Morgan's Mom was so thrilled to hear about last night, I think she could seriously start planning a wedding. I'm sure she means well...
*I was looking at my cousin's photos of their Disneyland trip on Christmas. I'M SO JEALOUS!!! I WANT TO GO TO DISNEYLAND!! Seriously, since my birthday I cannot stop thinking of how and when I'll get back! What the heck, I feel like this is crazy talk...but seriously, SO MUCH FUN!! AAHHHHHH!!!!
*I'll be going on 'hold' with the Temple for a month. This Meniere's crap is really kicking my trash. The break will be good, I'm looking foward to it. I think on one of my weekend's off I'm gonna try to make it up to Utah. My uncle hasn't been doing well and the doctors aren't giving him very long. It'll be nice to see him and all my cousins. I miss them, they're like my family away from home. I can't wait.

I've been reading & watching everything I can on it because once I open that box, I'll be going to town baby!! FINALLY my scrapbooks are gonna look AWESOME!!! Will I leave the house? Probably just for scrapping supplies, but that's about it!!
*We got to talk to my missionary nephew on Christmas eve (Actually Christmas day in Fiji). Oh man, it was fantastic!! He sounded so stoked to be out doing the Lord's work. He was in the hospital for 5 days due to an intestine infection--NO BUENO!! He was excited to be out tracting the last couple of days. He'll be transfered to the capital (Suva) so he can be closer to medical care and the mission home. He's sad for the transfer but you could hardly tell in his voice. He's such a spectacular missionary! I love and miss him so much!! HURRAH FOR ISRAEL!