Ever since Saturday when Morgan & I went to the Old Point Loma Lighthouse, I've been thinking of the beautiful view from up there. This picture doesn't even do it justice!! I LOOOOOOOOVED the view of San Diego up there!!! I've gotta say, it is now one of my MOST FAVORITE places in all of San Diego. The views are just spectacular and breath taking!!! (Sorry for the funky light blue spot in the middle of the pic--copyright mark). The angle of this pic doesn't capture just how high the lighthouse is. It's about 462 feet above sea level The sailboats & yachts on the water looked no bigger than an inch! TINY!! Oh I loved it up there. I don't know if it was because of the gorgeous view...or if it was the agreeable weather...or if it was the delightful company? Perhaps it was all of the above. Whatever the case maybe, I can't wait to get back to that wall perched high above the bay!