I like this------------>
It makes me happy.
After a VERY CRAPPY MRI experience I skipped out on my doctor's appointments today (I at least called to reschdule--so I'm not that irresponsible) and played around with my new Cricut Expression. OH I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!! SO MUCH FUN!!!! I had never used one or seen one in real life (Thanks Google) so watching it for the first time REALLY BLEW ME AWAY!! I can't wait to start scrapbooking my mission.
Oh Atticus, Atticus...this man is so funny yet difficult to easily read (a lawyer's mysterious allure?). He definitely makes work a lot less like "work" and he told me that he missed me in the office this morning. Oh the heartstrings are being pulled as we speak...
I'll be going out with my BFF, her husband and Morgan this Saturday. We're going to see Avatar. A lil nervous...not too sure why.