Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Thursday Blessing :)

I love Thursdays. I really truly do... There's always something magical about them. Today I received one of the nicest, sweetest emails. I had a perma grin on my face for the rest of the day. I loved it!
You are one of the most gentle, most kind, most honorable, most considerate people I have met in a long time, and I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your consideration. You seem to be a grown up and a sweety at the same time.
As for the old guy,,,Sometimes people just spit out stuff that makes no sense; it is probably just some animus/anger that he is holding in and he just memorized that speech-- it seems so familiar? like tv..Just a very stupid thing to say....You never know where people are coming from..You are a god-fearing woman, as I understand it...People in this business and around here sometimes have problems....
Thank you Atticus :) So maybe I'm not COMPLETELY over him just yet....
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