Friday, April 23, 2010


I've been itching to go to Costco this week!!!! I don't really need anything there, but I'm sure as soon as I step foot inside I just might :)

Today I'm EXTREMELY HAPPY!! My Bubba's here to visit this weekend!! Oh I love my nephews & niece so much! Oh Elder Lomu.... can't wait til you get home NEXT year!

In general, I'm pretty happy today. I'm happy that it's Friday! I'm happy that the sun is out and San Diego is the most GORGEOUS city to be in, this weekend! I love my city!! I love my life. I thoroughly enjoy most, if not all, of my co-workers. I really like my job! Life is SWELL!!

Maybe I'm happy because I had pizza for lunch today. TheNewGuy and I hit up that lil pizza dive again---SO DELICIOUS!! Oh how I love pizza!! Hmm....maybe I'll go to Costco for some pizza! YUMMY YUM YUM!!

I'm going to cut my hair tonight. The ends are so dry...but I really like how long my hair FINALLY is. But I don't like the way it looks and feels dry. Eeek....a lil nervous. Maybe I'll even get it colored....Eh, I don't know. We'll see.

I'm suppose to go to a wedding tomorrow. Eh no thanks...

Hmm.... 23 more minutes before my weekend starts!!! I can't wait!!!
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