Friday, October 14, 2011

Recital: "R-E-C-I-T-A-L, Recital."

From my journal... (excluding the real names of those mentioned)

Oct. 12, 2011 - Wednesday

Hermana (Sister) "R" informed me that she would be having a recital for her music students, and we could invite anyone we wanted to.  
I only thought of 2.5 people:
-Novee, my niece.
-Mr. Red.
-(and possibly) Izzy, my friend.

*I figured Novee, because she loves me and thinks highly of me.
*Mr. Red: Well because I like seeing him.  He means something to me. 
*Izzy, because she likes my voice and will still love me, in the end. 

When I asked Novee, she immediately asked if I was going to invite Mr. Red.  I told her it crossed my mind and I did text him:
4:09p: Out of curiosity, will you be back by the 20th (next Thursday)?
4:18p: Yes indeed.  What's up?
4:32p: I'm trying to decide if I want to tell/ask you or not....
6:40p: It's this small thing, that's kinda neat but lame.  I'll just talk to you about it when you get back. 
6:42p: Ok, I'll see ya when I get back ;)

So I thought I was off the hook, until he got back.  Well this morning I was reading about meditation & spirituality, Mr. Red came to mind, a lot.  He weighed heavy on my mind.  Then about a minute later I got this: 

11:22am: So any change of heart on the question? 
11:23am: I mean do you still wanna wait till I get back before you ask?
11:24am: I have another question first- do you ever feel like you can call people with your mind or know/feel when someone is thinking about you?
11:25am: Yes I do.  Totally happens.
11:26am: I've been reading about meditation & spirituality for the last half hour and you were on my mind....and then here you are texting. 
11:28am: Hahaha see! I figured it was something like that.  You popped in my head.
11:41am: So were you gonna ask me the original question or wait? ;)

Then he called me and we talked. 
I asked him.
And he said yes.
Wow... I'm just tripped out about the way he felt me, 
thinking about him.

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