Sunday, October 9, 2011


It's not often when I feel like a complete failure. 
Tonight happens to be one of those nights.  
I can't sleep, my mind won't turn off and the water works won't stop....

Tonight, Joz & I were asked to sing at the adult session of Stake Conference.  It was a song we sang about 3 weeks ago in our ward, so it wasn't something new.  We practiced.  I practiced.  A LOT of practicing went on.  
But tonight, I didn't reflect that.    

My mind totally spaced on one of the words in the first verse.  
and to make matters worse...
I held the last note of the song for a half second instead of 4 seconds long.  

Not to mention that my mouth was unbelievably dry and I took breaths in the wrong spots.  (ie: in the middle of a word! WHO FRIGGIN DOES THAT?!?!)

As I was laying in my bed, my mind kept going over and over our musical number.  I have no idea what happened.  Well yeah I do.  I was so terribly nervous.  As I looked around the chapel, I was met with faces that were unfamiliar.  None of them were really friends that I had grown accustomed to, from my ward.  I didn't see my dear sweet Relief Society sisters.  Mr. Red wasn't there as he always is, when I sing or speak.  No one looked happy or warm or very friendly...which made me even more nervous.  

I've got to be up in about 3 hours, because stake choir has their last practice at 8:30am.  Part of me doesn't want to sing with them.  I just feel like such a failure, right now.  I'm so embarrassed.  I can't face my vocal teacher, who happens to be directing the choir.  We worked so hard on the song and I failed miserably.  I'm thankful to have Ras as my dear friend.  We were texting back and forth about this right now.  

I feel a lil better, but not much...  I hate failing when I KNOW that I could have (& should have) done so much better. I'm my own harshest critic. 

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