Tonight, my awesome friend Drey will be going to the temple for her first time. She's really excited, which makes all of us really ecstatic for her! I also love attending the temple with dear loved ones. I'm stoked that I get to go with my nephew, Sim, tonight.

Today, I am grateful for LDS temples, especially the beautiful one we have here in San Diego. I LOVE IT!! I've loved it since I was a lil girl and read about its future construction in a newspaper article. I remember when it was being built, we would visit the site in anticipation & pure delight! I remember participating in the open house and dedication of this exquisite edifice. It is as beautiful inside as it is outside...actually, it's much much more beautiful inside. I love going to the temple because I can feel peace. How wonderful it is to feel pure peace, solitude and tranquility. I love the opportunity I have to serve those who have passed on before. I wish I could live in the temple, away from all the worries and craziness of the world. However, I'm glad I don't, it makes me appreciate the serenity of the temple so much more. I love to see the temple!