Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tearful Tuesday...Mr. Red & Ras.

Last night, my nephew Sim & I went over to Mr. Red's for dinner.  On Sunday, Sim & Mr. Red were talking about his Vespa, that he doesn't really use.  Sim's been in need of his own mode of transportation since coming home from his mission, in August.  Part of the reason why Sim was invited over was so he could discuss the (2006, great condition) Vespa and a possible sale. After dinner the discussion started and ended with Mr. Red giving Sim his Vespa for an EXTREMELY generous price.  Let's just say it's BEYOND generous.   He practically gave Sim the Vespa, but Sim felt he should give him something, at he offered everything he had in his wallet.  $5.  FIVE DOLLARS!  And Mr. Red accepted it.  Sim had a perma-grin, from ear to ear.  I think we were both in shock.  I was floored at his charitable offer and kind act.   Mr. Red couldn't have bestowed such generosity upon a more humble and grateful person, like Sim.  While Sim was out riding around, Mr. Red & I talked, on his uber-comfy couch.  However, I was uncommonly quiet.  The fortunate thing about Mr. Red is that silence between us is A-Ok, it's not uncomfortable because he knows I'm [usually] contemplating and reflecting on something.  Last night was a little different, I was awfully quiet and I couldn't understand why, yet Mr. Red was patient, as always.
After Sim & I got home, I was texting with Ras.  He's usually the last person I communicate with at night and it's become a common thing for him to wish me, "boa noite,  doces sonhos" (good night, sweet dreams).  Sometimes, my day would start with a "Bom dia!" text.  After going back and forth for a bit, it really started to hit me that my friend was leaving for 2 years. Two WHOLE years.  It hit me hard, really hard.  While Mr. Red was away on deployment for several months, Ras became the friend I needed and grew closer to. After my "Ras is leaving for two years" realization, the water works started and wouldn't stop.  I cried because I was going to miss my friend so much! I don't always see Ras' the callous side that so many other see.  I'm fortunate enough to see the kind, caring and sensitive Ras that he rarely lets others know about. While I was Relief Society president, he sustained me in so many ways.  When I felt down in the dumps about stuff, I'd turn to him and he'd uplift my spirits and heart.  Yeah, I liked him at one time, but at the heart of it all, we were always friends.  So when I say I'm going to miss him, I'm going to miss my good friend who's been there when I didn't allow others to see my weak or vulnerable side, my friend who never got annoyed at my antics and my friend who's just fun to be around.  
I started to think of the transaction that occurred between Mr. Red and Sim.  How in the world was Mr. Red really going to give Sim the Vespa for free?! How is someone just so giving and willing to accept $5 for a 5 year old, great condition motor scooter?!  And on top of that, giving him the helmet and riding gloves too!?  I couldn't wrap my mind around it.  This guy who practically gave away his Vespa is my friend...not just some random good guy from a random heart warming story, but my friend who I'm tremendously blessed to know.  I wept more, my heart was bursting at the seams and I couldn't stop the tears.  My mind and heart was in awe that Heavenly Father would bless my life with such giving, compassionate and selfless friends.  Knowing and realizing this was overwhelming, last night.  I'm truly grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who knows what types of friends I need in my life and blesses me with such heaven sent angels.  My cup runneth over!!   

The perma-grin happy new Vespa owner.

(and yes, even as I was typing this the water works were slighly flowing.  I can't help it, my heart is bursting with gratitude!)
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