Saturday, November 12, 2011

What happened to "2 minutes" talks?

Duuuuuuude, this blows. I'm sick. My eyes are sensitive and they hurt, so I KNOW that I'm sick.  I keep thinking it's only a 'day cold', but it's 10pm and I still feel crappy.  I just wanna sleep. Like for a whole day.  Church starts at 11am,  choir practice is at 10am. Plus, I also have stake choir practice at 6pm and attendance is mandatory.  AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tithing.  That is the topic of my talk. Easy, right? But what do you say to a congregation full of: 
1. older single adults
2. lawyers
3. officers
4. doctors
5. accountants
Did I miss anyone else with Ph.D?
Who feels a lil intimidated? I do! 
I think the part that I'm having the hardest time with is that I have to speak for 20 minutes. TWENTY MINUTES!!!!  That's like a class lesson!!  DUDE!!! I'm not nervous, I'm scared my talk is going to come up short. The Bishopric member who extended the assignment said that if my talk was short, there's a 2nd speaker and the Bishopric can always fill the remainder of the time.  
Remember the good ol' days of being a youth? Reading an article from The New Era and you were done!
Oh man.......those were the days!

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