Man, I have a lot of stuff to blog about...
We'll start with the happy stuff first....
*Yesterday, my friend Geena hooked me up for tickets to "Taste of Downtown". It's where 40-50 restaurants open up to let you taste a sample of their foods. Several months ago, Geena hooked me up with tix to "Taste of Hillcrest" and we were able to go to 28 out of the 50. We were SO stuffed! Last night, we went to about 15 out of the 45 restaurants. It was all so delicious! I enjoyed some of the ethnic food, the best. From last night, Indian & Mexican were my faves!! Such a FUN night!
Plus, I was SO SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good to see Levi! I had been missing him all week!! I just feel like half of my heart is missing when he's not with me. I'm excited to see him tonight and tomorrow! :)
*I've been missing my friend Mr. Red and I'm glad to know he's alive. He's been on my mind lately, because I've been thinking about how I need to worry less about EVERYTHING. It's something Mr. Red and I have talked about A LOT. I tend to over-worry and over-think about so much sometimes...ok, a lot of the times. I've done a lot better after a talk I had with Mr. Red earlier this year, and I think I just went back to my ol' habits. It's hard to just let go and relax, sometimes. But it's something I definitely need to work on and will do... I think it's because I worry about something turning out less than stellar. Or I worry how I'll be judged by it. I should haven't to worry so much, especially around those that love me. It's something I plan on working on, starting now.
Uncle Topui Otuafi |
*On Monday, my Uncle Topui passed away. I haven't seen him since I got back from my mission about 8.5 years ago, at Uncle Eddie's funeral. Thinking about him made me miss my Uncle Eddie and Auntie Moana. I miss them so much. Then it made me remember my
Uncle Walter who passed away 4 years ago. I miss all of them so much. They weren't from my Dad's immediate family, but they were all cousins from his homeland of Tonga. Some of the closest Tongan relatives I knew, on my Dad's side.
I miss my Uncle Eddie's sweet, melodious voice. He use to be in a Polynesian band with my Uncle Topui and Uncle Nani, who also recently passed, a month ago. I miss his hearty laugh and his big smile. I even miss the scent of his aftershave that use to linger on my face, after he hugged and kissed me. He loved Auntiy Moana and it was obvious in the way he treated her with such love and tenderness.
Uncle Eddie & Koti |
I miss my Auntie Moana, because she passed away so suddenly and without warning. I miss her cheery countenance and warm smile. I loved the way she use to dote on me because she only had sons, so I felt like the daughter she never had. She was so loving and kind, so beautiful--inside and out. A great match for Uncle Eddie. I always loved having them over for Sunday dinners, with the boys. I can't believe it's been 11 years since she passed away. I remember the way she was so excited for my mission. I miss her dearly.
Auntie Moana |
I miss my Uncle Walter, and I know that out of all his cousins, my Dad misses him the most. Uncle Walter was probably my Dad's best friend. He was at EVERY luau and family party we ever had. He was by my Dad's side whenever they would bury food in the umu (pit). I miss Uncle Walter's to'okutu (coconut bread)! I always looked forward to seeing him at church, because he was always so happy to see me and ask about Dad. I think when Uncle Walter passed away, a lil bit of Dad's spirit died with him. I know he misses his cousin so much. We all do.
Uncle Walter & Dad |
I know that as much as I miss my uncles & aunt, I
will see them again. I
know that there's a gospel plan set forth by our Heavenly Father that allows families to be together forever. I
know that to be true, with
all of my heart.