I first came across these shoes 3 years ago during massage school. Every time I seen them, I thought "Why is she wearing gardening shoes during winter?".
Then my brother bought some, but he had a different version. I wear them every so often if I have to run outside for a sec...uber comfy.
Every time I give a massage and walk into my clients' homes, I always remove my shoes. Sometimes it's so cumbersome to put my massage table & bag down in order to puy my shoes on. I often wish I just had shoes to slip on and off.
Well today when I seen some at Costco, I thought "Hmm, $15 for some pretty pink ones? Why not?" [There wasn't any red left in my size:( ]
So now I'm the proud/embarrassed owner of pink Crocs/Gardening shoes.
update: 6/14/08
update: 6/14/08
Wore those #!$%!@& shoes to Sea World last night. I forgot that even though they're comfy---they're still new. Here's the 2 lil tokens I came home with. (TMI-sorry) If you look at the shoe above, they're from the black 'button' inside the shoe. Nice, reaaalll nice.