Poor Monday, no one likes you...

- I forgot how much I LOVE Natalie Dee comics, until I posted my blog title for today.
- It's gonna be a Randi posting...
- The Hispanic Stake choir did an AMAZING job yesterday!!! I'm so proud of all of our hard work!! I love Hermana R.-she does such an awesome job at being a music director & teacher! She gives me vocal lessons on Tuesday afternoons. Usually I'm scared and terrified to sing in front of her, because she's a professor of music at Utah Valley University and sings with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. So she's pretty legit! I'm glad I've met her, she's taught me so much about music & singing.
- I love having my short hair.....almost thinking of keeping it this short for a while! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!
- It was a pretty interesting weekend. I've had a lot to think about, a lot to process and become comfortable with. I'm not the biggest fan of change, unless I'm the one who creates it. I'm trying to see how I like the feel of a certain 'title'. Am I there yet? Is it bad that I'm not exactly comfortable with it just yet? I just haven't been at this point for several years. It's a definite change.... ugh....decisions decisions! My feelings haven't changed for a certain someone, I just don't know how I feel about a title, yet.
- School's back in session. That's barely been a week!! What the heck?!!? Oh well, I'm stoked for these new classes.
- My goal for this next semester of school: Stay on top of EVERYTHING and get 100% in my classes!! I can do it!! I get to do it! :) BYU-HAWAII OR BUST!!!
- Hung out with my sister in Downtown San Diego. Gosh I LOVE living here in San Diego!!! I would never want to live anywhere else. I feel SPOILED that I can live in such a diverse, beautiful and chillax city!!!