I don't like being negative or pessimistic. I try to be optimistic and hopeful. I know I fail at that sometimes.

As I was going thru my FML day today, I couldn't help but notice the lil glimmers of blessings around me:
- I'm grateful for parents who are willing and ready to help me and do whatever they can to help me. I don't notice how giving they are, a lot of the time, and I know that is my downfall. All I have to do is ask and they are ready to jump in and help. They're my parents for this life and the next... Thank God.
- My Sister is also very willing to help and let me know that "WE will get through it"--not "YOU can", but "WE will". That means a lot to me. I couldn't have been more blessed with a sister like her.
- While spending a good portion of the day on the phone, in the sun, I got a tan on my legs and feet. When I got home and took off my slippers, I noticed my new slipper tan. Those are always my favorite! Makes me think of Summer!
- As I was Downtown at the San Diego Police Department, I was fortunate to come across a particular officer who was at the service desk. He was a lil over 6' feet tall, probably half Mexican/Caucasian, buzzed hair, warm honey toned skin, his face was soft without any traces of a blemish, nice strong jaw, lovely pointed nose, a sweet endearing smile and a body that even a swimmer would envy. He was a [very much needed] tall drink of water!! GORGEOUS!! A definite sight for sore eyes. He was handsome and made me smile.
- I thought I was going to have to cancel my weekend plans with Montana, so I called him up. I wasn't too forthcoming with ALL of the details of my FML day, at first, because of the circumstances. I didn't need him worrying and stressing over it as well. He wasn't pleased that I was keeping a secret from him, but to be honest, it was a lil embarrassing to have to tell him what was going on. I could tell that he was genuinely concerned and wanted to help in anyway possible. Once I told him, he reassured me with a similar experience that he's had. He has a very wonderful way of reassuring me and making me feel better. I'm so grateful that I'll still be able to see him tomorrow. I can't wait!
- Got to spend the evening with my sister, nephew and niece. Had a wonderful evening at the park, eating pizza and then taking in a movie ["Limitless"--AWESOME!!]
I know that when life gets dark and dreary, there is still good in the world...
...that there aren't bad days, just bad moments...
...and that God is still mindful of us.