Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Did you know that today's Tuesday?

S t u f f  o n  m y  m i n d....

-I bought two books today. Thanks for the birthday money, Mom & Dad, this is what I used some of it for.  I feel like these two books are complete opposites, but I'm SUPER stoked for both books! Oh I LOVE Like Water for Chocolate!! It's filled with such passion and delectable meals! LOVE IT!!

-Hung out with my niece today. Tons of fun, singing in the car to Glee, eating our Polish dogs at Costco and just chillin'.Goooooood times. I feel so blessed/spoiled that my niece WANTS to hang out with me.  How lucky am I?! :) 

-Can't really think of anything else right now.........  

-Oh yes I can.... I CAN'T wait til Friday!! I get to see BabyChleo!
-Citizen Cope & hoodie sweaters make me happy.
-I think this is gonna be yet ANOTHER epic weekend!! Can't wait!
-I've been listenin' to a lot more classical and opera music.  I forgot how much I LOVE it!!  It just feels like I'm listening to REAL music, REAL singing and REAL talent.  It feels like the purest form of music.  Much more relaxing! 
-My niece was talking to me about wanting to learn the violin.  I have a violin and know how to play it.... so maybe I could give her lessons.  I want her to have music talent, since it thrives in my family.  I don't know where to start, since it's been 23 years since I took my first violin lessons.  We'll see....
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