Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Today, this is how I feel.....
I feel like certain relationships in my life have ran it's course.  I wanna be hopeful, to think that I'm wrong, but my intuition says otherwise.  I don't wanna be the stupid girl who doesn't get it.  Man, I really liked Houston.  I should have been more aware, more in tune with what he was saying and how he's been acting.  My own inhibitions got in the way, I over-thought stuff...well, too much.  I dont know... whatevers....  Man, I opened up to him, about a lot.  I wanted him to know that I was all for it, 100%. I allowed myself to be vulerable with him, so he could trust me.  He was wonderful, manly in every way possible, kind, sensitive, gentle, funny, smart.... he was great.  Man, this sucks....
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