I'm pretty stoked today, not gonna lie.....
*Today is my very dearest best friend, StephyPooh's birthday!! She's amazing, she really is! Anyone would be so lucky to know her and have her as a friend! I feel so blessed.
*I started a group on Facebook, "Mormon Battalion Photos!". I've always wanted to see a collection of these photos:
I think they're just so funny and all around fun to see. I'd also like to think of it as a small way of doing missionary work. Heaven knows I need to step up my game, in that arena! Check it out! Join! Contribute!
*Then I saw on FB that my friend Nadia's husband, Shawn, just gradu,ated with his Masters degree! This guy is pretty phenomenal and together, they're pretty awesome! Some of my most favorite people! I'm stoked for him!
*Tomorrow evening, my friend Ang is celebrating her 25th birthday! She's a fun girl that just so happens to make some VERY delicious Mexican food! I'm excited for a very fun time!
*I'm also suppose to go on a date tomorrow night............ So there's this guy that I happened to go to Jr.High with [he was two years ahead of me]. I never knew him in school, but always remembered his freshmen photo, because I thought he was pretty dang cute. Even back then, I was a sucker for cute white boys with blonde hair! Plus, look at those dimples! Adorable, right?! It's like we've been in the same circles, just never knew it. When I worked for an attorney service here in town, the law office he works for was one of our biggest clients. I may have even spoken on the phone with him and never even knew it. A friend on Facebook invited me to our alma mater's Spring musical. So random, but thought it'd be cool to support the local arts. I asked Freshman15 if he'd possibly like to go on a date to a play at our ol' high school. I thought it was a cute idea and he was pretty open to the idea. Now......if only I could swing both the play & the party!
*Speakin of dates... two friends (more like acquaintances) want to set me up on a blind date. A friend of theirs is in his mid-30's, an ER (maybe ICU) nurse, return missionary who has put off dating and marriage to focus on his career until just recently. Apparently he's tired of being single and wants to change that. Somehow I came to their minds and they want to set me up on a date with him. I happened to see what he looks like on one of their Facebook's and he's not really my type. He's basically like a Peter Priesthood and that's not necessarily my type. I want someone who's open minded and will be okay with two of my closest friends who are gay. Also, he's brown. This brown girl isn't really attracted to brown guys. {Brown guys either look like a cousin or end up being a cousin----so, no thanks.} Should I even entertain my friends and go out on a date with this guy? Clearly what I've been going for hasn't worked....maybe I should try something different?
*The more I think about church, the more I feel like I should go back to my family ward. I feel like I can't be as active as I'd like to be. We'll see how I feel after this Sunday & Monday's FHE. .
*Bub & his fiancee, Sissy drove back to Utah last night. It was so much fun having both of them here! My heart misses Bub, but I've learned a lot in the last several months. I haven't always thought the nicest thoughts about his fiancee. She didn't really give me any reason to, but my overbearing mind and overprotective heart consumed the best of me. She is a very warm, kind, generous and loving young woman. She makes my Bub happy beyond a doubt and fills his heart & life with love. They treat each other with tenderness and respect. I've learned a lot while watching them and I've been humbled. I couldn't have ever dreamed of someone as (dare I say...) perfect for him, like she is. I wish them the very best of love & happiness.....Heaven knows they deserve it.