10 years since I went to the MTC to start my mission!
This pic is actually from our last night in the MTC, I couldn't find the photos from our first nite. |
I was blessed to come across some of the greatest people that will forever be in my heart. One of those people is my beloved mission president, P.Daw. Oh I love that man dearly and I knew that he loved each of us missionaries, as well. I talked to him last Summer and it was so good to hear his voice. I still love that man so much.
Who knew that when I opened my call 10 years ago and it didn't say, Nukualofa, Tonga, but read, "New Jersey Cherry Hill Mission" that my life would be changed forever. Heavenly Father blessed with the exact experiences that I needed, amongst just the right people that I needed to meet in that season of my life. My cup runneth over.