I've known Eidde since I was 9 years old and we've been friends since before we understood what 'gay' meant. Why would my feelings and friendship change with him just because of who he chooses to love? I've always been taught to "love one another", but why must it stop once that person's life choices don't exactly match up with my religion's standards? Who am I to judge?
That's where I have a hard time with religion.
My other close friend, PajamaPants has been one of my dearest friends since we met in the mission field. It was a little rocky when he confirmed his sexuality, but at the heart of it all, PajamaPants is still the same friend I've come to know and love. We talked it out and I feel like our friendship has grown deeper. Since he's come out, he still supports me in my religion and I support his happiness. When I had to sing at church, on my last birthday, he came and cheered me on. That truly meant the world to me and I couldn't help but cry out of sheer love for my dear friend. In a couple weeks, I'll be able to support my friend when we go to San Diego's LGBT Pride festival.
With some of the new friends I'm making, I'm trying to understand their sense of "humor" when they poke fun at the homosexual community here in San Diego. It truly hurts my heart when I hear those stupid jokes. I can't help but think of homosexuals I know, because they are kind, generous human beings with a heart and should be treated with the same decency and respect as anyone else. I met a man, not too long ago, who's only been to Hillcrest (a part of town that's highly populated by the LGBT community) once because he was afraid "it was contagious and that [he'd] be hit on." Such ignorance!!!! I was so disgusted with him that I couldn't even look at him. A couple months ago, I scored tickets to "Taste of Hillcrest" and was very excited about it so I posted it on my Facebook. An acquaintance then asked if it "tasted fruity". The other night at dinner, gay slurs were being tossed around and I just wanted to leave. I couldn't believe that I was surrounded by such homophobic people. I was disgusted.
I'm just so tired of it and my heart goes out to my LGBT friends. I'm also tired of being pigeonholed as a "Mormon"/"Christian" who "hates gays." Not true....at least not for this Mormon.