Sunday, January 25, 2009

"You can't marry Vanilla, Ehu"

While at church today, I was talking to the Lao sisters about a guy I like. I told them that I was worried his personality may be a lil on the 'dry' side. I definitely would not want that, considering I've already had that in my life before and that was B-O-R-I-N-G. They both told me that I wouldn't do well with that, considering my own personality. They recommended that I find someone who was also lively and upbeat. I totally agree with them. One of them said under their breath, "You can't marry Vanilla, Ehu". At first I thought she meant that I shouldn't marry a Caucasian guy...which bummed me out--I really LOVE blue eyes. After my short bus moment subsided, I agreed again.
I don't want "Vanilla". Vanilla's nice, but not when it's by itself. It goes well with warm Brownies, Apple Pie or Root Beer. Vanilla ice cream is dull and basically, boring. I told the Lao sisters that I need "Spumoni".
Spumoni is EXCITING! COLORFUL!! A lil nutty, with a kick of sweetness. Different and fascinating, due to all the various flavors, colors and textures. Every bite is a little varied from the one before. You can even eat it by itself and it'd be perfectly fine.
The more I describe Spumoni the more it sounds like it's too thrilling to eat with anything else. Why would you want to pair it up with something else? It'd be an overkill, wouldn't it? It would probably clash with Brownies, making it too sweet to handle. I doubt it'd do well coupled with Peach Cobbler. Too many flavors all at once! Maybe some even clashing! AHHH!!
So in the end, maybe I do need some Vanilla. Maybe he can be more like Neapolitan ice cream...Vanilla to cut the sweet craziness and keep me grounded, Strawberry to bring a lil color and passion and Chocolate because it can make a bad day better and a good day great!
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