I went on a {first} date tonight. Oh man, I had a terrific time! I couldn't stop smiling and laughing. We went to Island Prime and the view was just so spectacular! It was right on the waterfront, and I faced the Coronado bridge and Downtown San Diego. LOVED IT!!! "Swiss" was oh so funny!!! Seriously, I had a marvelous time! My food was superb and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I was nervous at first, but it was so easy to relax and be myself with him. Afterwards, we walked around Harbor Island and talked for a very long time. I just couldn't stop laughing. Plus, I really like his Swiss accent. It's almost like a Minnesota/Canadian accent. Seriously, such a fun & delicious night!
I talked with Iam today at church. SWOOOOOOOOOOOOON!! Seriously, I think he is adorably HOT! We were talking about our upcoming Softball league season. I just love love love watching him talk. His face scrunches up in the oddest and cutest ways! We talked for a bit and I just grew anxiously excited for Tuesday night's team meeting at Phil's BBQ. Man oh man, I cannot wait til I get to see him almost all the time! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! He's so damn cute and his body is just rockin'!! My gosh, he's very athletic, about 6'2, brown hair, hazelish eyes (I think? I was a lil too nervous to remember exactly what they looked like today) and a slammin' body! HOT!
Ok, I need a cold shower. G'nite.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Like a youngin'.
I went to the Single Adult dance tonight (31 years old & up) and MAN, it was different.
There were 60 year olds (and up!) dancing to Justin Bieber.
I came across two of my friends' Moms. I was dancing with Hermanita's mom, which was totally cool because I love her dearly. But the other, just would have felt EXTREMELY awkward.
But Iam was there and that made me happy. I'll be seeing him on Tuesday for our softball meeting.
Oh yeah, did I mention that I joined a softball league? Ask me why. Because Iam's in charge of it. Lame, but true. Besides, I like softball. I LOVE batting, but I'm not a big fan of running to the bases. Ugggggh. We'll see how that goes.
Such a fun night!
Ok, I'm off to watch The Godfather, part 2. G'nite.
There were 60 year olds (and up!) dancing to Justin Bieber.
I came across two of my friends' Moms. I was dancing with Hermanita's mom, which was totally cool because I love her dearly. But the other, just would have felt EXTREMELY awkward.
But Iam was there and that made me happy. I'll be seeing him on Tuesday for our softball meeting.
Oh yeah, did I mention that I joined a softball league? Ask me why. Because Iam's in charge of it. Lame, but true. Besides, I like softball. I LOVE batting, but I'm not a big fan of running to the bases. Ugggggh. We'll see how that goes.
Such a fun night!
Ok, I'm off to watch The Godfather, part 2. G'nite.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Little girl {almost} all grown.
As I was walking downstairs at Reed's house, I noticed something that looked familiar. I picked it up, opened it up and then noticed the labeled name on the front door.
It was my niece's old dollhouse.
She use to play with it all the time. Her Barbie dolls had make shift outfits that she would assemble together out of scrap pieces of fabric and dryer sheets. My niece isn't so little anymore. She's growing up and not really playing with her dolls anymore. That kinda makes me sad. She would spend hours upon hours playing with them, creating new outfits and lil playtime scenarios. She's 11 years old now. In 10 months she'll be joining Young Womens at church.
This really makes my heart ache. Where does the time go? She's no longer the baby that would stand in the palm of my hand. She's no longer the toddler that would let me do up her hair in little pigtail ringlets. She's almost getting too old to hold my hand now. That brings tears to my eyes.
As I type this, she's spending the night at one of her girlfriend's. She loves crackle nail polish, dyeing pink streaks in her hair, watching Glee and listening to One Direction. She's like a little teenage girl.
I miss my lil Novee. Time flies oh too quickly.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Happy 18th Birthday : Blog Conversion
My nephew Sim turned 18 years old yesterday. He's more like a younger brother than nephew since he's closer in age to me than my own brothers. I can't believe it. I still remember it like yesterday when he was born. Where does the time go? At times I feel like his sister, and other times I feel like his
Mom....because I just scratch my head and wonder where the time has gone?! He was just learning how to walk in his gray walker yesterday. He was sitting in his ivory high chair eating Gerber cereal yesterday! I was just changing his dirty diaper and getting it everywhere on him at his grandmother's house yesterday! Wasn't I just picking him up at
Kindergarten?? Seriously, where does the time go? I wish I could turn back the hands of time and enjoy it all again. I just want to cry and wish that he was that cute little boy with big ears and a flat Tongan nose. Today, while dressed in his tuxedo, I was helping him get ready for prom. As I was brushing his hair, it brought me back to the past 18 years of Sundays when I would help him get ready for church and now I couldn't see the top of his head because he's taller than me. Next month he graduates from high school and next year he'll be going off on his 2 year LDS mission (oh I don't even want to think about that--as if I need the tears to get bigger!). I just can't believe that the cute little boy with big ears and a flat Tongan nose is now an energetic, intelligent, handsome young man.

Sunday, May 20, 2012
Happy Sunday
Got to see one of my dear friends, Sammy. We shaved our heads together and he's just all around nice and genuinely sweet. I love this guy!
The "No More Wasted Weekends!" post.
*I love listening to this "I am a Mormon" video:
I love this version of "Teach Me to Walk in the Light" on the Ukulele! It's so sweet!
*My sister, niece and I went to watch The Avengers today. Oh man, LOOOOOOOVED IT!!!!!!!!! Captain America is SOOO HOT!!!! As well as Thor and I just love Iron Man! My sister and I started to feel really sick after the movie. I don't know if it was because we OD'd on movie popcorn and Coke Zero or what! But seriously, I wanted to throw up. I'm thinking it could have been all of that, plus the fact that we were sitting in the 3rd row of the theatre. I felt dizzy at times during the movie because we were so close and due to so many of the fast moving scenes. Never again!
*I'm currently spending the night at Reed's house, watching her four kids. I love these kids so much. I was suppose to go to her birthday party before heading over to her house to babysit, but since I was sick, I skipped it. When I showed up to take over for the teenage girl who was watching the kids earlier, I bid her goodbye and to have a great evening, she said, "Oh yeah! Time for my social life!" It made met think, "Whoa, wait a second! You're a teenager with a "social life" and I'm spending my night in babysitting?? What?!?" She was practically skipping towards the door and right out into the night. Seriously, this needs to change. This is my 3rd weekend that I haven't done anything. I mean, I know tonight I was suppose to go out, but got sick. The last 2 weekends I was moving and unpacking. Next weekend is Memorial Day weekend, I need to make something MEMORABLE about it! If a teenager can have a social life, so can I! C'mon Ehu, what happened to your spunk?!?!? Get with it!
*I talked with Vans today. I'm glad we're friends. He's seeing someone now. I'm starting to wonder if I'm the only one single amongst my non-married friends?! Geez, seriously, I need to start doing something and doing something FAST! I think I'm gonna hit up the SD Single Adult Memorial Day Conference next weekend. I NEED to do something and meet people, this is gettin' kinda pathetic!
*Ok, I need to go make a ti-leaf lei before it gets way too late. Hermana R is leaving the mission field with her husband, their time is up and they're headed home. Tomorrow's their last Sunday as well as Stake Conference. I will always be so grateful I was blessed to meet and learn from the great Hermana R! I will think of her every time I see and hear the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sing. Heavenly Father surely knows where to send His missionaries.
*My sister, niece and I went to watch The Avengers today. Oh man, LOOOOOOOVED IT!!!!!!!!! Captain America is SOOO HOT!!!! As well as Thor and I just love Iron Man! My sister and I started to feel really sick after the movie. I don't know if it was because we OD'd on movie popcorn and Coke Zero or what! But seriously, I wanted to throw up. I'm thinking it could have been all of that, plus the fact that we were sitting in the 3rd row of the theatre. I felt dizzy at times during the movie because we were so close and due to so many of the fast moving scenes. Never again!
*I'm currently spending the night at Reed's house, watching her four kids. I love these kids so much. I was suppose to go to her birthday party before heading over to her house to babysit, but since I was sick, I skipped it. When I showed up to take over for the teenage girl who was watching the kids earlier, I bid her goodbye and to have a great evening, she said, "Oh yeah! Time for my social life!" It made met think, "Whoa, wait a second! You're a teenager with a "social life" and I'm spending my night in babysitting?? What?!?" She was practically skipping towards the door and right out into the night. Seriously, this needs to change. This is my 3rd weekend that I haven't done anything. I mean, I know tonight I was suppose to go out, but got sick. The last 2 weekends I was moving and unpacking. Next weekend is Memorial Day weekend, I need to make something MEMORABLE about it! If a teenager can have a social life, so can I! C'mon Ehu, what happened to your spunk?!?!? Get with it!
*I talked with Vans today. I'm glad we're friends. He's seeing someone now. I'm starting to wonder if I'm the only one single amongst my non-married friends?! Geez, seriously, I need to start doing something and doing something FAST! I think I'm gonna hit up the SD Single Adult Memorial Day Conference next weekend. I NEED to do something and meet people, this is gettin' kinda pathetic!
*Ok, I need to go make a ti-leaf lei before it gets way too late. Hermana R is leaving the mission field with her husband, their time is up and they're headed home. Tomorrow's their last Sunday as well as Stake Conference. I will always be so grateful I was blessed to meet and learn from the great Hermana R! I will think of her every time I see and hear the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sing. Heavenly Father surely knows where to send His missionaries.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Oh Thursday, I love you!
My Thurday started off with a morning phone call from this guy I've been talking to. [It's nothing serious so he doesn't get a nickname yet] Oh he makes me smile.
Around noon I had lunch with Mr. Red. As always, it was a very lovely chance to be friends with him in real life ("real life", that's what I call spending time with someone "in person"), I've truly missed just being able to talk and laugh with him. It was very nice. Now that he's busy with his girlfriend and her kids, times like that will be few and far between.
I was able to find the Mason jars that I've been searching high and low for! I was able to fill them with all my legumes! YUM! Looks awesome! Also did some "Thrifting" in the afternoon--so much fun! So many great treasures! Found two chairs for the kitchen for $15 (for both)--total score!
Last night, I went to play Volleyball with my ol' YSA ward. Oh I've missed them all so much! I love all my ol' friends so dearly! It was just a great ending to a terrific day! I love when Thursdays shape up to be the best days ever! Love it!
Around noon I had lunch with Mr. Red. As always, it was a very lovely chance to be friends with him in real life ("real life", that's what I call spending time with someone "in person"), I've truly missed just being able to talk and laugh with him. It was very nice. Now that he's busy with his girlfriend and her kids, times like that will be few and far between.
I was able to find the Mason jars that I've been searching high and low for! I was able to fill them with all my legumes! YUM! Looks awesome! Also did some "Thrifting" in the afternoon--so much fun! So many great treasures! Found two chairs for the kitchen for $15 (for both)--total score!
Last night, I went to play Volleyball with my ol' YSA ward. Oh I've missed them all so much! I love all my ol' friends so dearly! It was just a great ending to a terrific day! I love when Thursdays shape up to be the best days ever! Love it!
Monday, May 14, 2012
I received a pink Carnation at my parents new ward, for Mothers day. As I was smelling it right now, my Tutu came to mind. Makes me think back to when she would garden at my parents old house. I remember those little mini carnations. Smelling my pink carnation brought her back to life for me. Oh I miss her so. 9 years ago, I wish I had called her on Mothers day, when I was on my mish. I even asked my Mission President if that would be ok that I call her instead of my Mom. I didn't want to get homesick and I knew that my twice a year phone call home would totally surprise her. I wish I did call her, that would have been the last time I spoke with her. I can't believe it's almost been 9 years since she passed away. Time surely flies.
I've been thinking a lot about Motherhood and being a mother, and all things related.
I'm grateful for those women in my life who are wonderful examples of motherhood. My sister gave a wonderful talk on motherhood, yesterday at church. I think she is a shining example of the kind of mother I hope to be, someday. She is kind, loving, funny, very intelligent, personable and all around awesome. I'm thankful to have Mama McK as well. She couldn't have come into my life at a more perfect time. She was a missionary here in SD about two years ago, which she also happened to be the mom of two of my friends. She loves me unconditionally, gives me an earful when needed and has an empathetic heart at all times. I love her dearly.
I'm blessed with so many friends who are amazing moms to their young children. I listen to their experiences and watch them fulfill their roles with a loving heart. Their children are blessed beyond measure to have the mothers that they do.
As for my own mom, I've learned to perfect the art of civility and patience. We haven't had the best relationship in the last couple years. It's been very difficult. I've learned a lot more of what type of mom I hope to be someday. We'll see.....
I've been thinking a lot about Motherhood and being a mother, and all things related.
I'm grateful for those women in my life who are wonderful examples of motherhood. My sister gave a wonderful talk on motherhood, yesterday at church. I think she is a shining example of the kind of mother I hope to be, someday. She is kind, loving, funny, very intelligent, personable and all around awesome. I'm thankful to have Mama McK as well. She couldn't have come into my life at a more perfect time. She was a missionary here in SD about two years ago, which she also happened to be the mom of two of my friends. She loves me unconditionally, gives me an earful when needed and has an empathetic heart at all times. I love her dearly.
I'm blessed with so many friends who are amazing moms to their young children. I listen to their experiences and watch them fulfill their roles with a loving heart. Their children are blessed beyond measure to have the mothers that they do.
As for my own mom, I've learned to perfect the art of civility and patience. We haven't had the best relationship in the last couple years. It's been very difficult. I've learned a lot more of what type of mom I hope to be someday. We'll see.....
Friday, May 11, 2012
Friday, May 11
*The last two mornings I've been waking up needing to use the bathroom around 5:30am. I like to have my window cracked open, which is ok....til I'm trying to go back to sleep. Apparently all the birds in San Diego, like to chirp in the big tree near my window. Seriously, I wanna buy a BB gun or some firecrackers.
*Am I done unpacking? No. It's all so overwhelming :(
*Ask me what I was doing around 6:30am this morning? I was just about to fall back asleep, when Mr. Red called to ask if I could babysit. Never in a million years did I ever think I'd be receiving such a phone call......especially at that hour....especially from him. He's my friend and he's done a lot for me. So I got up, got dressed, ate breakfast and then found myself at his place an hour later. In case you were wondering how last night went.... well, it was interesting. I miss my friend. Life has surely changed.
*I'm currently in love with this musical dedication to Junior Seau:
I just love his voice and the tribute is pretty touching. A life gone too soon. I remember once reading that, "Suicide is not chosen; it happens when pain exceeds resources for coping with pain." I feel for Junior Seau and anyone who reaches that level of pain.
*I don't really have much else to blog about. I'm kinda tired. G'nite.
*Am I done unpacking? No. It's all so overwhelming :(
*Ask me what I was doing around 6:30am this morning? I was just about to fall back asleep, when Mr. Red called to ask if I could babysit. Never in a million years did I ever think I'd be receiving such a phone call......especially at that hour....especially from him. He's my friend and he's done a lot for me. So I got up, got dressed, ate breakfast and then found myself at his place an hour later. In case you were wondering how last night went.... well, it was interesting. I miss my friend. Life has surely changed.
*I'm currently in love with this musical dedication to Junior Seau:
*I don't really have much else to blog about. I'm kinda tired. G'nite.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Thursday dinner & this and that.
Tonight, I'll be having dinner with Mr. Red, his gf and her kids. Awkward, right? Well, only if I want it to be. But seriously, I mean, I'm glad that he's so excited to have me meet her, but in the same breath I'm nervous. I don't have the best poker face, so its very apparent what I'm thinking and feeling. Plus, Mr. Red knows me better than all of my friends, so he knows if I'm holding back or not being myself. Besides, it's hard enough meeting someone, but to meet their kids also?! Oh geez, can this get any harder?! We haven't talked or hung out since January, so when we talked on the phone yesterday, I'm glad he was still the same Mr. Red. He says that she's the female version of himself. Man..... wish me luck tonight.
I hung out with Tat, late last night. He's one of my childhood [church] friends. I'm glad that we're still friends. I like the perspective he gives me when I'm trying to understand what the heck goes through mens minds, sometimes. But I'm grateful for Tat because he's so open minded, doesn't judge and there's never been any awkward sexual tension between us. He's pretty awesome.
I hung out with Tat, late last night. He's one of my childhood [church] friends. I'm glad that we're still friends. I like the perspective he gives me when I'm trying to understand what the heck goes through mens minds, sometimes. But I'm grateful for Tat because he's so open minded, doesn't judge and there's never been any awkward sexual tension between us. He's pretty awesome.
Monday, May 7, 2012
About moving.
No one tells you....
1. Not to randomly pack your phone's charge cord and forget which bag/suitcase/box it's in.
2. Again, see above, but replace "phone charge cord" with "toothbrush".
3. That it's physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, etc, draining.
Ok that's about it. But man, #2 was brutal yesterday. I didn't have enough time to go to the store and buy one before church. I tried not to talk to many people or smile because I just felt gross.
On a lighter note....
So this whole idea of "No Guys May" is gettin a lil old. There's this guy in my ward (congregation) that is SO. DANG. ADORABLE.!!! Seriously, I see him and I just want to hug him!! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE the way he sounds when he talks. There's just something so adorably charming about the way he sounds and how his mouth moves. *SWOON* Last Monday, he walked in a lil late to FHE and oh man, my heart skipped a beat!! Before, I could easily talk to "Iam", now it's a lil more difficult. I got to see him at church, yesterday. Oh man, SO cute. He passed Sacrament to me, and then lined up, right in front of me. I was about 4 feet from his Piriformis and couldn't help but look at it, especially since his wallet was bulging from his back pocket. (FYI: from a Massage Therapist point of view, it's bad for you. I'll explain later.) I wish I had more to talk to him about... The first time I ever talked to him, it was out of thin air about sports. I can't wait til church on Sunday. Since it's Mother's Day, I'll probably see him since my sister's giving a talk in her ward, which happens to be his family (aka: his Mother's) ward. Oh yes!
Ok, I've gotta go finish unpacking.
1. Not to randomly pack your phone's charge cord and forget which bag/suitcase/box it's in.
2. Again, see above, but replace "phone charge cord" with "toothbrush".
3. That it's physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, etc, draining.
Ok that's about it. But man, #2 was brutal yesterday. I didn't have enough time to go to the store and buy one before church. I tried not to talk to many people or smile because I just felt gross.
On a lighter note....
So this whole idea of "No Guys May" is gettin a lil old. There's this guy in my ward (congregation) that is SO. DANG. ADORABLE.!!! Seriously, I see him and I just want to hug him!! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE the way he sounds when he talks. There's just something so adorably charming about the way he sounds and how his mouth moves. *SWOON* Last Monday, he walked in a lil late to FHE and oh man, my heart skipped a beat!! Before, I could easily talk to "Iam", now it's a lil more difficult. I got to see him at church, yesterday. Oh man, SO cute. He passed Sacrament to me, and then lined up, right in front of me. I was about 4 feet from his Piriformis and couldn't help but look at it, especially since his wallet was bulging from his back pocket. (FYI: from a Massage Therapist point of view, it's bad for you. I'll explain later.) I wish I had more to talk to him about... The first time I ever talked to him, it was out of thin air about sports. I can't wait til church on Sunday. Since it's Mother's Day, I'll probably see him since my sister's giving a talk in her ward, which happens to be his family (aka: his Mother's) ward. Oh yes!
Ok, I've gotta go finish unpacking.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
A week ago.
If someone told me, a week ago, that I wouldn't be watching the midnight premier of The Avengers, attending my friend Norma's highly anticipated birthday party or going to "Island Divine", because I'd be moving, I would have peed my pants laughing.
Who's not laughing now? Me.
One last load to go tomorrow and I'll have everything outta there! {THANKFRIGGINGOODNESS!!!}
Something I learned tonight as I was packing stuff...
Who's not laughing now? Me.
One last load to go tomorrow and I'll have everything outta there! {THANKFRIGGINGOODNESS!!!}
Something I learned tonight as I was packing stuff...
"Don't pack your phone's charge cord so quickly and forget which box or suitcase you randomly threw it in."
Saturday, May 5, 2012
The "1am, I should be packing" post.
The Good: I bought a Crock pot today. I don't think I know ANYONE who buys a Crock pot. I've only ever seen them acquired at bridal showers. Dang it.....yet another reason to get married! :) Also, a friend gave me two tickets to Island Divine! It's very similar to Taste of Hillcrest, but all in one place and not stretched across several city blocks.
The Bad: I've only packed about 1/6 of my room and need to get it all out of here by noon tomorrow (Saturday). ideally by 9am would be better.....we'll see. By the way, it is NOT fun getting lost in Ikea. EVERYTHING looks the same, so even though you think you're getting closer to the check out, you're actually just walking by the same section for the 5th time.
The Ugly: I went to Taco Bell 3 times today.
1. I hadn't eaten all day and desparately needed something to eat (2 Chulpas & Cinnamon twists)
2. Driving home around midnight, I needed some caffeine for my looooong night of packing.(Diet Pepsi)
3. After picking up some tickets from a friend's house [about twenty minutes ago], I was REALLY craving the crushed ice at TB. It would be awkward to just ask for a cup of ice, so I ordered Cinnamon Twists. When I got up to the window, the employee was pretty dang cute!! Blonde, blue eyed, tall & cuddly (ie: not a skinny mini). I was on the verge of saying "You're cute!", (which I'm sure would have totally made his night) ............but, I look pretty haggardly tired, not wearing a bra under my hoodie & driving my Mom's mini-van. Nothing about it would have been impressive, and I barely wanted to look at the guy. Even as I type this, I'm tempted to go back and tell him..........but really, who does that? Besides, I swore off men & dating, this month.
The Bad: I've only packed about 1/6 of my room and need to get it all out of here by noon tomorrow (Saturday). ideally by 9am would be better.....we'll see. By the way, it is NOT fun getting lost in Ikea. EVERYTHING looks the same, so even though you think you're getting closer to the check out, you're actually just walking by the same section for the 5th time.
The Ugly: I went to Taco Bell 3 times today.
1. I hadn't eaten all day and desparately needed something to eat (2 Chulpas & Cinnamon twists)
2. Driving home around midnight, I needed some caffeine for my looooong night of packing.(Diet Pepsi)
3. After picking up some tickets from a friend's house [about twenty minutes ago], I was REALLY craving the crushed ice at TB. It would be awkward to just ask for a cup of ice, so I ordered Cinnamon Twists. When I got up to the window, the employee was pretty dang cute!! Blonde, blue eyed, tall & cuddly (ie: not a skinny mini). I was on the verge of saying "You're cute!", (which I'm sure would have totally made his night) ............but, I look pretty haggardly tired, not wearing a bra under my hoodie & driving my Mom's mini-van. Nothing about it would have been impressive, and I barely wanted to look at the guy. Even as I type this, I'm tempted to go back and tell him..........but really, who does that? Besides, I swore off men & dating, this month.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Yo quiero...y no quiero.
Found this on a friend's FB, totally want it!
p.s. I hate packing, have I ever mentioned that before?
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Man, I hate moving. Sometimes it can be so mentally, emotionally and physically draining.
*Upside to moving, today:
Found this baby on Craigslist for $150! OH YEAH! It's practically new! Love it! It's so comfy and just the right size!!
*Downside to moving: Packing, loading, driving, unloading, unpacking (repeat, til finished)
I'm stoked that I'll only be 2 miles from the beach, can walk right across the street to church {if I chose to go to my family ward/congregation} , closer to my sister, closer to Coronado Strand for biking and many more blessings that I've yet to discover.
*Upside to moving, today:
Found this baby on Craigslist for $150! OH YEAH! It's practically new! Love it! It's so comfy and just the right size!!
*Downside to moving: Packing, loading, driving, unloading, unpacking (repeat, til finished)
I'm stoked that I'll only be 2 miles from the beach, can walk right across the street to church {if I chose to go to my family ward/congregation} , closer to my sister, closer to Coronado Strand for biking and many more blessings that I've yet to discover.
Keep your chin up, kid! The best is yet to come!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
My sister made the BOMB biscuits on Sunday. Yep, just like the ones they make at Red Lobster. Oh man, they were DELICIOUS!! I think I ate a dozen......or very close to it. I'm starting to love Sunday/family dinners again. For a very long time they were hard, but now, due to the SCRUMPTIOUS food we've been having, it makes it so enjoyable.
*I met up with Freshman15, the other night. Well, it was fun, but I think it just reaffirms my desire to take a break from guys & dating. He was way cute, but, we want two very different things right now. Besides, I'm going to be VERY busy because...
*I'll be moving this week. It won't be far, at all. {plus side, I'll only be 2.2 miles from the beach! AWESOME!!} But I'm just tired of moving. I never had to do it before my mission, then in the first month of my mission, I did it 4 times. After my mission, I did it about 4 times within the first 18 months of being back {college}. Then in Dec. 2010....and now, this week. I hate packing, as is...so moving, to me, is "PACKING x DEATH". Ok, maybe not that extreme, but I just can't stand it! Which is difficult because....
*My Meniere's has been pretty bad lately. Not only has the "whooshing" in my left ear increased, I'm dizzy a lot more. I just hope it doesn't get worse, to the point of falling because of extreme light headedness. Just the thought of moving is already mentally tiring and I haven't even started packing.
*Be positive Ehu.... Change can be good, remember?
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